Thursday 27 October 2011

Affordances - Spirituality

Sometimes, when I am really stressed I like doing the washing. It is a boring, repetitive task, but it is one that, at times looks like a mountain, but a mountain I can tackle. Once completed I always feel a sense of accomplishment and it is the sense of satisfaction of having everything finished and tidy that gets me started in the first place.

It can also be a task that allows me to zone out. When I am stressed or have problem to work through, taking on a task such at the laundry can be quite therapeutic. The task gives me something to do with my hands while I am thinking and calms me down. I can develop the solution to a problem I may have while not consciously thinking about it. I think I wrote most of my blogs in my head while I was folding washing. The time allowed me to sort out what I wanted to say and then to sit down later at my computer and write it all down.

It is also a good time to day dream. I can feel that I am not wasting time as I am actually doing something constructive, but it is also timeout, to cruise for a few moments before the hustle and bustle of life comes back again. I usually fold washing on my own. The kids like to help but they are too little and end up making more of a mess so I usually do it while they are entertained elsewhere. It is my alone time.

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